Dragråttan x-back harness
Dragråttan R harness
Racing harness, especially for
Hounds and narrow dogs
Dragråttan R harness
The R-harness is designed to meet the needs of the racing dog. This harness has got a round throat opening. The front is single chested and well padded. The harness has got a perfect shape for Scandinavian hound breeds. The troat opening is a bit smaller and the harness is long over the back. Made to fit the modern competition dog.
The padding is water-repellent and the strap is fitted with a reflex. The R-harness gives the dog maximum freedom of movement.
Nine sizes, sizes 0-8.
The R harness is suitable for the competition dog who has to work at high speed. It gives the dog free play. Balanced upper and lower harness.
The favourite model among racers.